Amberley Museum & Heritage Centre Ticket Portal

20 Sept – No.1 Lime Kilns, Bagging Shed, and Railway Siding

Join the Museum Director to find out more about the history of the buildings at the entrance to the museum and to hear about the complexities and unexpected discoveries of recent work to restore the building.

Ticket options

  • No.1 Lime Kilns, Bagging Shed, and Railway Siding - 20 Sept (2pm-3.30pm)
    No.1 Lime Kilns, Bagging Shed, and Railway Siding - 20 Sept (2pm-3.30pm)

    Discovery Days are additional to normal admission prices. Please book both your admission and your Discovery Day ticket for the relevant day. Ages 16+ only.

    0 20 max

    Discovery Days are additional to normal admission prices. Please book both your admission and your Discovery Day ticket for the relevant day. Ages 16+ only.

20 Sept – No.1 Lime Kilns, Bagging Shed, and Railway Siding

Join the Museum Director to find out more about the history of the buildings at the entrance to the museum and to hear about the complexities and unexpected discoveries of recent work to restore the building.

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